The Sky System:

Majority of alters in the system is Filipino or Filipino-Chinese-Spanish

Draphene Sprok (Truesona Draph)

ROLE: HostAPPEARANCE: An iridescent blue dragon that has translucent green-yellow wings.PRONOUNS: They/themGENDER: Nonbinary transmascSEXUALITY: OmnisexualAGE: Biological ageABOUT: Draph is a dragon inhabited by a parasite. This parasite is sentient and Draph themselves. Thus the body is just a host or vehicle. When in high distress or emotional turmoil, they shift into their parasite form. Draph can be anthro, feral, or humanoid. Draph can be depicted muscular or chubby.
Draph speaks in an excitable manner and is pleasant and easy going. Though they aren't afraid to speak their opinion or advocate for what they believe in. They love dragons, but mostly dolphin plushies. They have a love for their Sky lore/alters and Mirko the rabbit hero from My Hero Academia.
Their lover is their outside partner, @moe.boba on Instagram.


ROLE: Relationship Trauma HolderAPPEARANCE: (refer to 3rd-4th images of Truesona Draph) An iridescent blue dragon that has translucent green-yellow wings. However, they are always in the Draph (our mascot/sona's) parasite form which consists of bleedings cars and body horror.PRONOUNS: They/themGENDER: AgenderSEXUALITY: QueerAGE: Biological ageABOUT: Draph the character is a dragon inhabited by a parasite. This parasite is sentient and Draph themselves. Thus the body is just a host or vehicle. When in high distress or emotional turmoil, they shift into their parasite form. Draph can be anthro, feral, or humanoid. Sprok however, is in their parasite form permanently and can be freestyled in the parasite/body horror depiction. They can be depicted muscular or chubby.
More is yet to be known about them, but their role in the system is the Relationship Trauma Holder with our partner, @moe.boba. They have the voice of the body, but a bit higher pitched or distorted. And constantly manifest in dreams of them being highly self destructive and yearning for our partner's love and attention because of their personal perception of her despite our partner actually being a good partner. They also often tend to be hopeless and accept things that are more on the pessimistic or nihilistic end.
Sprok is also minimally verbal and has a more traditional, scribbly art style.

God of Passage / Draphene (Sky Draph)

ROLE: ProtectorAPPEARANCE: In their standard god form as shown in the images (reference is a work in progress).PRONOUNS: They/themGENDER: Nonbinary transmascSEXUALITY: LesbianAGE: Millenias years old, super old.SOURCE: Sky: Children of the LightPOWER/ABILITY: To shapeshift and take the ability of what they shapeshift into. The stronger the subject, the weaker their grasp of the power/s and abilities.ABOUT: Draph governs the realm Heart of Draph (now Eye of Eden). They also govern the Sky Orbit, The Ascend, and The End. Draph is in charge of assisting and counseling passing souls by removing and consuming their "darkness" so they can move on to the next life freely. To remember the passed soul, Draph draws a portrait of them and submits it to the stars.
Draph is aware of their lore and story. Same with their demigod era, but they present as their god era form.
Draph's lovers are Maya, Samyra, and their outside partner Moe (@moe.boba Insta).

God of Sentimence / Maya

ROLE: Caretaker/SootherAPPEARANCE: In their standard god form as shown in the image (reference is a work in progress).PRONOUNS: She/theyGENDER: NonbinarySEXUALITY: PansexualAGE: Millenias years old, super old.SOURCE: Sky: Children of the LightPOWER/ABILITY: The ability to feel the emotions of the subject by holding hands with or touching her branches towards the person. She can feel the emotions of a group of people if she wishes, but it will be strenuousABOUT: Maya governs the realm, Golden Wonderland (now Golden Wasteland). Maya has a similar god role like Draph, but with the living. She counsels sky children or sky folk and acts as their therapist with the help of her Elder/apprentice.
Maya has a motherly aura to her and is very benevolent. She is gentle and compassionate to everyone around her.
Maya is also aware of her lore and story.
Maya is partners with Sky Draph and Samyra.

God of Memories / Samyra (Mira)

ROLE: Memory Keeper / Gatekeeper / AcademicAPPEARANCE: In their standard god form as shown in the image (reference is a work in progress).PRONOUNS: She/they/serGENDER: Nonbinary transfemSEXUALITY: BisexualAGE: Millenias years old, super old.SOURCE: Sky: Children of the LightPOWER/ABILITY: The ability to know the memories of others through telepathical means. She also has the ability to erase the memory from the individual or share the memory with others.ABOUT: Samyra governs Vault of Knowledge. They are in charge of the information that goes around sky. Ser also works closely with Draph as she learns the memories of the passing souls and forwards them to Draph so that Draph can have a better understanding of them.
Samyra is somewhat blunt, but cares about the delivery of her words. She is very rational and values intelectual thinking.
Samyra is also aware of her lore and story.
Samyra is partners with Sky Draph and Maya.

God of Life / Elara

ROLE: Persecutor / Somewhat ProtectorAPPEARANCE: In their standard god form as shown in the image (reference is a work in progress).PRONOUNS: She/theyGENDER: NonbinarySEXUALITY: Aromantic, Asexual (Sex favorable)AGE: Millenias years old, super old.SOURCE: Sky: Children of the LightPOWER/ABILITY: The ability to see prophecies of others. Some can be more vivid than others.ABOUT: Elara governs the realm of Dawn of Isle and resides in her temple with her Elder/apprentice, who helps her guide young Sky moths and teaches them the basics of the world of sky. That includes how to get winged light, how to fly, and what they can expect in the world of Sky. Elara also reads their prophecies and guides them accordingly.
Elara is very critical with criticism and favors the growth of others through very tough love, which comes as highly aggressive and confrontational. Even if she wants the best for others and herself it is always at the expense of the body or others. She can also be quite defensive when argued with or when faced with an opposition. Though despite everything she can be somewhat caring and seek the betterment of others.
Elara is also aware of her lore and story.


ROLE: Protector / Trauma HolderAPPEARANCE: Looks like Mirko the Rabbit Hero from My Hero Academia, in the war arc appearance- prosthetic left arm, short hair, damaged right ear, prosthetic right leg, and scarred side near the left hip.PRONOUNS: She/theyGENDER: FemaleSEXUALITY: Bisexual (female leaning)AGE: 27ABOUT: Rumi is the No.5 Rabbit Hero in Japan. Her ethnicity is Black-Japanese and has BPD. Mirko is fond of hand to hand melee combat and is protective of others to a means. She will ruthlessly protect and save others at her own body and mind's expense.
Although a protector, she is also a trauma holder and holds traumatic memories or grudges about the body's family- often manifesting in dreams where the body is in high distress and goes "apeshit" and sometimes attacking the family member/s in the dream out of emotional distress.
However despite everything, Rumi still tries to be sympathetic towards others and does her best to excel at everything, often wanting to be recognized and validated for her efforts.
Mirko's realm in innerworld is a traditional Japanese home amongst a field. Her home is open to a farm of rabbits and crops. She also has a favorite New Zealand white rabbit called Usagi.
She is also dating @moe.boba on Instagram.


ROLE: No roleAPPEARANCE: Looks like Mirko the Rabbit Hero from My Hero Academia, often in the pre-war arc appearance as shown in the images.PRONOUNS: She/theyGENDER: NonbinarySEXUALITY: LesbianAGE: 25ABOUT: Mirko is the No.5 Rabbit Hero in Japan. Her ethnicity is Black-Japanese Mirko is fond of hand to hand melee combat. Unlike Rumi, Mirko is meaner/rude, blunt, gruff, unhinged, and sometimes sarcastic. She has a strong dislike for superstition and prefers to learn hands on or on the spot. She is not fond of making plans and often acts on impulse.
Mirko thinks she is above other people and above getting help from others. She will not hesitate to tell what she thinks about you or others. Majority of the time she is independent and enjoys fighting villains without the aid of others, but often this brings her a great disadvantage.
With that said, Mirko is still fond of defending others if she see's it right.


ROLE: Trauma HolderAPPEARANCE: Looks a lot like the body. Human. Slim, with some musclePRONOUNS: They/sheGENDER: DemigirlSEXUALITY: BisexualAGE: Older TeenagerABOUT: Mai is very philosophical and intellectual. They are highly critical about themselves, and are highly perfectionist. They hold memories of our trauma and are an OCPD holder. She also is a dancer and enjoys Kpop, specifically BTS. Likes dance, but resents her years of it due to peer pressure and toxic environment. Don't talk to her about her dance era.
Her realm is a private beach with a house on it. The interior is decorated with BTS posters and decor. It is always night in this realm with a starry night sky.


ROLE: no role, just a younger alterAPPEARANCE: Looks a lot like the body. Somewhat human. Oversized (obese 1).PRONOUNS: she/theyGENDER: FemaleSEXUALITY: QueerAGE: Age slider (9-12)ABOUT: Winter is introverted, but enjoys and desires company. She is a gamer and bookworm. She specifically enjoys playing Minecraft on her Xbox 360. She also enjoys dragon series books and Goosebumps books by R.L. Stine. Winter also likes dragons and My Little Pony gen4 (MLP) and MLP creepypasta. They also like snacking and watching horror gameplay. Winter also likes dance and has a positive outlook on it, but later split into a new alter (Mai) to cope with the pressure and stress that progressed in their dance journey.
Their realm is a room similar to our current room, but slightly different. It has a large bed, TV with an Xbox 360, and a some bookshelves with their favorite books.

Baby Dolphin

ROLE: no role, just a little alterAPPEARANCE: A shapeshifter, but likes to present as a pink dolphin humanoid/anthro.PRONOUNS: she/theyGENDER: FemaleSEXUALITY: QueerAGE: Age slider (4-7)ABOUT: Baby Dolphin is very extroverted and loves to give hugs. She likes making friends and is naturally curious. She loves dolphins, learning about them and marine biology, and collecting dolphin plushies. She also likes Beyblade, Pokemon, and Arcades (claw game machines and Bang Bang games).
Her realm is an open playroom that leads to a beach.

The Void

ROLE: Persector (very bad one)APPEARANCE: Looks a lot like Spot from Spiderverse, but just a void with teeth on the face.PRONOUNS: he/it/theyGENDER: Agender (no gender)SEXUALITY: doesn't matterAGE: AgelessABOUT: The Void is a highly evil and harmful alter that has tormented Baby Dolphin and other alters. What they did and are is classifiied, but when confronted with them at front, DO NOT ENCOURAGE THEM OR LET THEM DO ANYTHING HARMFUL. We apologize if you interacted with them and they have been unpleasant and caused hurt.
His realm is a stereotypical white padded psychward room with a single bed. The door is a cell door with a slider window on top. The outside is also padded.